Mária Žuffová

Mária worked in SGI from September 2010 until August 2015. Currently she is working on her doctoral research in Scotland. She received MA degree in Media, Information and Communications Policy at Central European University in Budapest, and in Journalism at Faculty of Arts at Comenius University in Bratislava. Her main research interests are e-goverment, access to information, local government, and use of new ICTs for civic engagement.

She has been involved in the development of the project Odkazprestarostu.sk. Currently she is responsible mainly for its public relations and campaigns. She also participated in organizing different conferences (Europe 2020, Neujobs, City for citizens, citizens for city).

Before joining SGI, Maria completed an internship at the Center for Media and Communication Studies at Central European University and in the innovation lab Kitchen Budapest, helping with the organization of Google CEU conference Internet at Liberty 2010. In Slovakia she worked as a journalist.